The Campus of the Future is ready!
The Corvinus Gellért Campus, the most sustainable building in the country, made with community design input was opened in February 2024 in Budapest, Hungary. The aim of the development was to create a future-oriented new campus for the University, with outstanding, innovative, inspiring spaces and a more than 1acre park which can also be used as a learning zone. Its important new features include a reading space for quiet contemplation and a data space, a creative space for data visualisation for students and academics interested in data science.
The Campus's hybrid teaching spaces were designed to make the room as suitable as possible for group work, and easy rearrangement at any time. The multifunctional, collaborative learning spaces, a media studio for developing storytelling skills, project and incubation spaces are also flexible and transparent - all designed for creative work. There is also a makerspace with best quality of technology installed and students can easily log on to classes online.
The project in figures
Corvinus Gellért Campus 2024:
Corvinus University of Budapest:
Author: Anikó Pázmándi