Erasmus+ opportunities for innovation in schools  

In the 2024 call for project proposals, schools in Serbia continued to take advantage of the opportunities offered through the Erasmus+ Programme for improving their teaching practices through cooperation and innovation. In the field of school education, half of all awarded short-term mobility projects (33) focus on new learning and teaching methods and approaches.  

Some schools, like Grammar School “9. maj” from Niš, use these opportunities to create partnerships with schools with the aim of establishing their own innovative learning spaces. In the mobility project called “MACE: Makers lab Connect and Exchange”, the school plans to acquire knowledge and skills necessary for setting up a makers lab integrated in the school’s teaching process.  

Primary School “Aleksa Šantić“ from Stepanovićevo, on the other hand, chose the format of cooperation partnerships with the same aim. With partners from Slovenia, Turkey, Poland and Serbia, the school has been organizing teacher trainings and developing a manual over their two-year project “Makerspaces in the School Setting”. 

Author: Milica Pupavac