New Learning Labs and Activities of Local ambassadors

Five Turkish schools have been officially acknowledged as members of the Network of Innovative Learning Labs and Spaces. This brings the total number of accredited FCL (Future Classroom Lab) schools to 39 in Türkiye. The newly designated school-based learning labs are located as follows: ATA FCL in Ankara, CURIOUS ISLAND FCL in Bingöl, Prof. Dr. Fahrettin Kırzıoğlu Science and Art Center Learning Laboratory in Kars, ETKİLab in Kayseri, and Green Energy Future Children's Laboratory–GEFCL in Konya.

Activities from the FCL Türkiye Network of Local Ambassadors

Kocaeli - A workshop titled "Innovative Learning Spaces and Learning Scenarios Approach in Teaching English" was organized for 23 English teachers under the Kocaeli Education Platform of the Kocaeli Provincial Directorate of National Education. An introductory meeting was held for the teachers of Izmit Science and Art Center about the FCL approach and related studies conducted in Europe and Türkiye.

Eskişehir - Between May 9-23rd, “Scenario-Based Content Development Training” was held at Eskişehir FCL under the Teacher Academies programme, with the participation of 14 teachers from different schools and disciplines. On May 13 and 27th, FCL training was also provided to 60 teacher candidates from various disciplines at Eskişehir Osmangazi University.

Tokat - In January 2024, in-service training was organized for 32 teachers in ZFCL from different schools and disciplines under the Provincial Directorate of National Education. The training aimed to promote the future classroom model and accelerate innovative ICT-based pedagogical practices in schools.

Apart from teacher trainings, the FCL classroom also hosted the Erasmus+ projects and scenario-based trainings conducted with the participation of teachers and students from different European countries. Additionally, the activities of the Erasmus+ KA210 project titled "DigiTALE of Life" were carried out in the FCL classroom using a scenario-based approach.

The FCL classroom serves as a learning environment for all classes and subjects of the school, as well as providing opportunities for other schools in the district to engage in FCL activities. As an example, 7th grade students of a middle school in the district attended courses in the FCL classroom for 5 weeks as part of a study measuring the impact of FCL on Turkish language skills.

To introduce and disseminate the FCL classroom model, an FCL magazine was prepared and students contributed to the promotion by creating a 360-degree virtual tour of the ZFCL classroom. 

In addition, FCL ITE trainings were planned for teacher candidates in collaboration with Tokat Gaziosmanpaşa University Faculty of Education. An article discussing the activities conducted in the FCL classroom were published in an international journal.

İzmir - Under the Izmir Teacher Academy Project, online FCL trainings were provided on "Transformation of Learning Spaces in Schools", "Designing the Classroom of the Future", "Innovative and Latest Pedagogies in Future Classrooms" and "Use of Technology in Future Classrooms". As part of the Project, the "Technology-Enhanced Learning Environments and Learning Scenarios" event was also held with active participation of 18 teachers.