The "S. Filippo" DD Joins the Innovative Learning Labs Network 

The San Filippo Teaching Directorate of Città di Castello has joined the Innovative Learning Labs Network. This autonomous educational institution, consisting of six preschools and six primary schools, operates in two municipalities in the northern part of the Umbria Region. It is a case study by Indire (the Italian National Institute for Educational Research and Documentation) for space transformation. The Teaching District is also a site for visits and initial training for newly hired teachers. Since 2017, the school has been an Indire case study for applying the FCL approach and the 1+4 Indire spaces in historic buildings. These solutions are particularly important in Italy because over eighty percent of the 50,000 Italian school buildings were constructed before 1980. The innovations in space with the introduction of new technologies in Italy occur in historic buildings, finding adaptation solutions for these contexts. 

In this regard, the recovery of connective spaces arouses particular interest among the many visitors to the district schools. The atriums and corridors of the 12 schools in the District are transformed with furniture and small-scale interventions, yet these changes bring about a new functionality. The six different teaching scenarios that define the six different FCL learning zones (present, investigate, create, exchange, develop, and interact) are flexibly placed outside or inside the classrooms, enhancing students' active learning, their motivation, and their well-being at school. The transformations of spaces, which began about 10 years ago with very few resources, now benefit from Next Generation EU PNRR funds, bringing new technologies and opportunities for students. 

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