Online Training

The tutored course Aula del Futuro is offered through INTEF's training program, which includes an annual edition. The goal of this course is to provide a deeper understanding of the Future Classroom Toolkit, created by European Schoolnet.

This toolkit allows teachers, school management teams, and other educational community members to create and implement scenarios and activities based on the Future Classroom Lab model.

Nano Open Online Courses

In the last quarter of the year, the project Aula del Futuro, offered through INTEF’s online training, organises 2 Nano Open Online Courses (NOOC), each lasting 3 hours, open to any teacher, student, or person related to education interested in learning the fundamental aspects that support the Aula del Futuro model. The courses have the titles “Diseña situaciones de aprendizaje para el Aula del Futuro” and “Actividades de aprendizaje para el Aula del Futuro”.

These courses are in their fourth edition this year and have been a success in terms of participation, often attracting not only people from our country, but also people from other countries, mostly Spanish-speaking, who thus get to know more about the project.

To learn more about dates and other related information, visit our website.

Mixed modality training courses for trainers, INTEF

A comprehensive lineup of seven courses has been meticulously designed to equip teacher trainers with the vital skills and expertise needed to deliver effective FCL training sessions across various autonomous regions throughout the country.

From September to October, at INTEF we are launching a new series of courses aimed at training teacher trainers from various autonomous communities members of the National Ambassadors Network.

  • Inmersive learning in the Aula del Futuro.
  • Generative AI for learning in the Aula del Futuro.
  • Robotics for promotive active learning in the Aula del Futuro.
  • Educationa centers for the future: Creation, modification, management, and methodological use of spaces.
  • Development and application of computational thinking in the Classroom of the Future.
  • Personalizing education with AI in the Aula del Futuro.
  • The use and creation of audiovisuals and 3D design in the Aula del Futuro.

Teacher training across the autonomous communities

Additionally, the different autonomous communities are offering training for their teachers in the Aula del futuro project.

The Region of Murcia is starting the school year with a training program titled "Trainers in the Future Classroom Lab Methodological Model. TED."

Its main objective is to consolidate the use of Future classroom lab digital toolkit (AdF) as a tool for the propper implementation of the AdF methodological model, while experimenting with the opportunities it offers, and reflecting on the pedagogical possibilities which are offered while implementing this model.

Author: Sara Sánchez Vílchez