Workshops in Türkiye

Innovative Learning Spaces Workshop

On May 9, 2024, an Innovative Learning Spaces Workshop was organized for undergraduate and graduate students at ETKİM Professional Learning Lab (PLL). Twenty-five students participated in the workshop. Participants were introduced to the FCL model and were provided with information about project activities. Through the workshop, participants followed the steps of Design Thinking to create their own ideal innovative learning environments.

Workshop on Developing Technology-Enhanced Learning Scenarios

The "II. Workshop on Developing Technology-Enhanced Learning Scenarios," was held in Ankara on May 8-10, 2024. Attended by 80 teachers, the workshop aimed to explore innovative learning approaches and technology-enhanced learning scenarios. During the event, 200 scenarios designed for primary and middle school levels, covering various subjects such as Turkish, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies and English were reviewed. Additionally, exemplary models for technology-supported lesson plans were developed to assist teachers who actively engage in innovative teaching methods and utilize technology efficiently. The three-day workshop significantly contributed to the advancement of technology-enhanced learning scenarios within the training session.

Author: Büşra Söylemez